All of our PODS are Designed and Built in the USA

Why You Need to Modernize Your Space with Office Fitouts

The workplace has changed with a new generation of workers infiltrating the workforce. Access to office fitouts (otherwise known as pods or focus spaces) is now the most desired office perk, ranking higher in employee preferences than private offices.

Employers need to stay ahead of the curve by converting open-office floor plans to be more versatile, modular, accessible, and functional. With the addition of office fitouts within a workspace, all of that is possible and more.

Explore the benefits and features of an office fitout, and learn more about custom YOURspace pods.

Office Fitout Benefits

As the workplace evolves, more and more workers desire a space that is flexible and practical. Open offices and cubicles are no longer attractive to employees. Fitouts improve workspace efficiency because they:

  • Block out sound to reduce office noise
  • Are perfect for conference calls
  • Provide excellent area for small teams to meet and brainstorm
  • Lower the stress levels of employees and improve their wellbeing
  • Are great places for neurodivergent employees to work
  • Can be moved within an office space or even taken with you if you relocate – cutting out the cost of office refurbishments

YOURspace office fitouts are completely modular, so you can create a productive office culture anywhere you choose.

Where Are Office Fitouts Used?

Office fitouts are not just for the common office. Their versatility makes them great for classrooms, libraries, healthcare, retail, airports, and more.

  • Classrooms:
    • Individualized Learning: Privacy pods can be used for one-on-one tutoring or individual study sessions.
    • Small Group Instruction: Student learning thrives on collaboration and group work. Office fitouts provide a space where students can work together without disrupting the rest of the class.
    • Quiet Study Spaces: Office pods enhance the library’s quiet study areas, providing students and researchers with a secluded environment for focused work.Libraries
    • Collaborative Pods: Pods can be designed to facilitate group discussions and collaborative projects within the library setting.
  •  Healthcare:
    • Privacy for Consultations: Fitouts provide a secluded space for confidential discussions between healthcare professionals and patients.
    • Flexible Workspace: Pods can be easily adapted for different healthcare functions, such as telemedicine or private meetings.
library office fit out
  •  Retail:
    • Personalized Customer Service: Retailers can use office pods for one-on-one consultations, providing a more personalized shopping experience.
    • Pop-up Stores: Fitouts can serve as a pop-up store for events or temporary marketplaces.
    • Temporary Workstations: Pods maximize retail space during peak seasons or special events.
  •  Airports:
    • Quiet Zones: Office pods provide designated quiet zones in airports, offering travelers a space to work, make calls, or relax away from the noise of the terminal.
    • Meeting Points: Pods can serve as convenient meeting points for business travelers or individuals waiting for their flights.
  • Offices:
    • Flexible Meeting Spaces: Office pods provide flexible meeting spaces within larger office environments. Teams can collaborate or meet with clients without disrupting the entire office.
    • Concentration Spaces: In open-plan offices, pods offer designated areas for individuals to focus on tasks without distractions.

Modernize Your Workplace with YOURspace Office Fitouts!

Let YOURspace help you give your employees the optimal working environment. We build innovative office pods that provide privacy, encourage productivity, and offer customization to complement any environment.

Our self-contained fitouts feature sound dampening, ergonomic design elements, task, and ambient LED lighting, a connectSMART™ panel streamlining all electric and networking connections, ventilation, privacy options, and dozens of design options. Our floorless options even make our study pods ADA-compliant.

The pods can be used as permanent fixtures or temporary installations, with the flexibility to buy, rent, or Rent (up to 90 days). They are reconfigurable and portable, adapting to evolving space requirements with ease.

YOURspace products are made in the USA, easy to set up, and available today in personalized configurations.

Make your fitout truly YOURs with plenty of options to choose from:

  • 8 unique base sizes, but fully modular if a specific size is required
  • 5 different metal colors available
  • 16 different wall/door finishes available
  • 8 different desktop/shelf finishes available
  • Dry erase boards
  • Windows
  • Lights
Office Fitout
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David Faust

David Faust

YOURspace Founder & Owner

David started his career in operations in various roles and industries, earning his Master Black Belt in Lean/Six Sigma along the way. 

He has over fifteen years of experience as a consultant helping several businesses of different sizes, industries, and functions improve efficiency, quality, and delivery.  David was also general manager of Pretzels, Inc., a multi-million dollar snack food manufacturer. He helped lead the organization to record revenues and profits while maximizing the value of the business for a recent sale by ownership. 

David currently manages a portfolio of manufacturing, distribution and retail companies through Ro12 Enterprises, a private capital group he started in 2015. He has also been involved in several startups, personally founding three of them.  

David is a graduate of Purdue University with a Bachelors Degree in Business Management.  He and his wife live in Fort Wayne, IN, with their four children.