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How to Bring Innovative Spaces to Conventions in 2022

As we move through the third year of this global pandemic, there is an overwhelming sense of restlessness, as people seek to leave their homes and re-engage with the outside world. This includes events like conventions, where the population can mingle with like-minded folks to learn about new innovations, test out new styles and make new connections in their network.

Given the heightened sense and need for a clean, controlled environment as we enter the third year of a global pandemic, how can conventions and even professionals commit to the protection of the health of their vendors and visitors while still providing a full convention experience?

The experts can agree that the desire and need for face-to-face connection hasn’t changed. But as attendees care more about how they spend their time and money, and what level of risk they’re willing to accept, event professionals need to evolve with their audience in order to maintain the level of connection they had in a whole in-person event.

But what will that look like?

In-Person vs Hybrid Events

With the appearance of new COVID-19 variants and the unfortunately overwhelming numbers of people who still aren’t vaccinated, the ability for many conventions to mandate vaccination cards, masks or social distancing has proven difficult. This has proven especially frustrating in states where local attendees are disgruntled by event coordinators who are requiring more from them than their city, county or state.

So do these events instead cancel for another year or attempt a completely online presence? Unfortunately, for all the networking and connections made in person, these aren’t viable options. Which leaves hybrid events, with bigger attendance events — like panels and meet and greets — relegated to online streaming forums, and in-person browsing and smaller in-community gatherings happening within the agreed upon mandates of the event.

What other alternatives are available?

Introducing YOURspace Pods

YOURspace pods provide an amazing range of options with their enclosed pod set-ups, giving businesses the freedom and availability of choice when it comes to protecting their staff and customers.

From comic conventions and online gaming events, the Gaming Pods can be fully immersive with surround sound, hi-def flat screens, and even LED lighting. Our walls are sound-dampening, which creates the perfect no-distraction gaming setup.  They are customizable and sizable, allowing for multi-player events within an easily sterilized space. They can be wifi-enabled, too.

Sensory Room Pods are another amazing option for convention-goers, as they can provide a safe, clean space for people to relax between events, panels or demonstrations. Do you have neurodivergent attendees? These sensory rooms can help them re-center when they become overwhelmed by lights, sounds or the sheer number of people, especially when most of them have been flying solo for the past two years. By positioning them throughout your event space, you can show that you care about the people who come to your event.

Our standard Study/Education Pods create a new way for vendors to demo their products with their customers while keeping everyone safe. The walls can be replaced with whiteboards or mounted with flat screens, creating an interactive environment where vendors can talk about their innovations or offerings from the safety of their pods. Also, an amazing option for security, as each pod can be locked with all the hardware or sale items safely stored inside.

With eight (8) different standard sizes, custom color and finish options for both inside and out, and so many more options, YOURspace Pods provide the perfect blend of safety and face-to-face interaction that any convention or company could ask for in these complicated times. All of our pods are made in the USA and constructed with recycled material, as we are proactive in our search for materials and designs that are environmentally-friendly.

All of our pods can be built and assembled in less than two (2) hours, are ADA compliant, and all the Ethernet ports, power outlets and USB ports come pre-wired to make everything as simple as possible.

Ready to Enter YOURspace?

The friendly staff at YOURspace is ready to talk to you today.

Contact us for your free quote and let us help you get ready for your next event.

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David Faust

David Faust

YOURspace Founder & Owner

David started his career in operations in various roles and industries, earning his Master Black Belt in Lean/Six Sigma along the way. 

He has over fifteen years of experience as a consultant helping several businesses of different sizes, industries, and functions improve efficiency, quality, and delivery.  David was also general manager of Pretzels, Inc., a multi-million dollar snack food manufacturer. He helped lead the organization to record revenues and profits while maximizing the value of the business for a recent sale by ownership. 

David currently manages a portfolio of manufacturing, distribution and retail companies through Ro12 Enterprises, a private capital group he started in 2015. He has also been involved in several startups, personally founding three of them.  

David is a graduate of Purdue University with a Bachelors Degree in Business Management.  He and his wife live in Fort Wayne, IN, with their four children.